
Our innovative and contemporary rug collection is unique and entirely handmade based on centuries-old tradition and technique. The collection uses the finest natural yarns, giving rugs a long lasting value.
from €139.99
from €1,075.00
from €913.00
from €779.00
from €235.00
from €2,945.00
from €3,104.00
from €779.00
from €3,104.00
from €899.99
SPACE SURFACE Rug, Massimo- D40Studio
from €3,104.00
from €913.00
VINTAGE Rug, Massimo- D40Studio
from €739.00
SUMACE Rug, Massimo- D40Studio
from €1,187.00
from €833.00
MOON NIGHT Rug, Massimo- D40Studio
from €3,104.00
NATURAL KELIMS Rug, Massimo- D40Studio
from €988.00
from €739.00